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Guest Conductors
& Lecturers

T.J.Harper _ USA

Susanna Saw _ Malaysia

Young-Jo Lee _ South Korea

In-Gi Min _ South Korea

Sun-Ah Kim _ South Korea

Shin-Hwa Park _ South Korea


우니마합창단(UNIMA Choir)_인도네시아(Indonesia)

싱가폴유스콰이어 앙상블싱어즈(SYC Ensemble Singers)_싱가포르(Singapore)

앙상블 무지카픽타(Ensemble Musicaficta)_이탈리아(Italy)

엘카페코랄(El Café Chorale)_코스타리카(Costa Rica)

부산시립합창단(Busan Metropolitan Chorus)

성남시립합창단(Seongnam Civic Chorus)
구미시립합창단(Gumi City Choir)
마포구립합창단(Mapo District Choir)
금천구립여성합창단(Geumcheon-gu Women's Choir)
분당구여성합창단(Bundang-gu Ladies Choir)
제주도립서귀포합창단(Jeju Provincial Seogwipo Chorale)
콜레기움보칼레서울(Collegium Vocale Seoul)
대구CTS합창단(Daegu CTS Senior Choir)
서울코다이싱어즈(Seoul Kodaly Singers)
서울코랄소사이어티(Seoul Choral Society)
제주아트콰이어(Jeju Art Choir)

한국국제학교제주캠퍼스 고등학교합창단(The High School Choir at Korea International School Jeju Campus)

Opening Festival Choir(개막 페스티벌 콰이어)
코리아합창단(Korea Choir)
제주레이디스콰이어(Jeju Ladies Choir)
메모리아합창단(Memoria Choir)

Special Guest(특별출연)​

​제주프라임필하모닉오케스트라(Jeju Prime Philharmonic Orchestra)

*above participating choirs can be changed as needed.

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